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Digital Signage

The College of New Jersey’s Digital Signage Platform is AxisTV from Visix. The service allows Schools and Departments to manage data content on digital displays on campus. Content can be published or updated by authorized content providers via an easy to use web interface. Account permissions are assigned so that users only have write access to the displays that they are responsible for within their School or Department. Separate channels and zones can be defined so that content displayed is tailored for specific audiences.

Support for the campus digital signage service is a shared approach with TCNJ MTSS responsible for the design, purchase, installation and hardware and server support.

The Office of Communications, Marketing and Brand Management manages the college’s internal and external communications, with an emphasis on building brand awareness and maintaining a clear and consistent visual identity.  Once the physical installation has been completed, MTSS notifies CMBM and they are responsible for providing user access, training and content related questions.

How can I get my content on the displays around campus?

Our various campus partners are responsible for review, approval and scheduling the content on the digital signage displays located in their respective facilities.  Please reach out to these partners to display your content.

Academic Buildings & Library : Contact the Deans Office for each school & the Library
Brower Student Center Internal Displays and Outdoor BSC Video Wall: Click Here
Residence Halls Digital Signage : Click Here

For training and support of existing installations and developing content on campus, please contact the IT Helpdesk at x2660 or email  The Help Desk wlll open a service ticket and assign it to the Digital Signage group that is reviewed by both IT and Office of Communications, Marketing and Brand Management

Digital Signage Costs:

In order to provide a quote, the MTSS must complete a walk through of the environment with the client to ensure their needs are met. The quote usually includes:

  • Display –  Recommendation) NEC E657Q 65″ Display
  • Player  – College standard micro form factor PC with wireless networking ability
  • Misc. hardware – such as cables, mounts, based upon site survey and facility
  • Training – User access and content training provided by the Office of Communications, Marketing and Brand Management
  • FacilitiesThis will include any electrical and pathway costs

Best Practices:

Designing content

We recommend that you review the recommendations that the Office of Communications, Marketing and Brand Management maintains which provides great design requirements and guidelines on how to create content.

As many of the displays are located in close proximity to academic spaces, by default, audio playback is disabled in order to reduce disruption to classes.

Appropriate content for signage

Examples of appropriate content for the signs includes (but is not limited to):

  • Announcements for upcoming campus events/activities
  • Photographs or short videos showcasing campus events/activities
  • Information about campus services or resources